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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fresh from the Garden

We love fresh produce. We aren't able to have a garden where we are right now, but this year we've been blessed by the abundance of other people's gardens. We've been given green beans, apples, cucumbers and blackberries. We also found a great clearance type price on some strawberries. As a result, I've been having fun making pickles and preserves and some cute mini apple pies. Right now our canned goods include: bread and butter pickles, dill pickles, strawberry preserves, blackberry preserves, apple sauce and cranberry sauce. I try to keep canning supplies on hand so that when I find a good deal or get handed some great fruits/vegetables, I can get them canned pretty easily. Here are a couple of the recipes I've used recently.

Mini Apple Pies
I got this idea from Pinterest. I used apples from my friend's garden. I cut up the apples and combined them with a little lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon. I would give you measurements had I measured, but I didn't. I just took the apples she gave and then added what seemed like enough sugar and cinnamon and then tasted and adjusted to taste. I personally hate making pie crust. Maybe some day I'll get over that, but with an 8 month old and being 6 months pregnant, I give myself a pass and I buy pie crust. I had one on hand left from a taco pie recipe I made earlier in the week.

I used a round cookie cutter to cut circles and put them in a greased muffin pan. I then cut out little hearts from the crust also. Once the apple mix had cooked down, I spooned it into the muffin tins, topped with the hearts, and baked at 425 for about 15 minutes. I took these to a birthday party and they were gone pretty quickly, so I'm thinking they were liked :)

Strawberry Preserves
My husband loves strawberry preserves, but they are so expensive to buy. Whenever I find a really good price on strawberries, I make a new batch of preserves. Here's my recipe:

32 ounces of strawberries hulled and mashed with a potato masher
4 T lemon juice
1 49 g pack of powdered pectin
1 T butter
7 c sugar
Combine strawberries, lemon juice, pectin and butter and bring to a rolling boil. 
Add the sugar. 
Bring to a rolling boil for about a minute
Turn off and remove foam if you have any on top
Ladle into jars, seal and process in a water bath for 10 minutes. 

Note: If you're new to canning, please read up on how to properly sanitize your jars. It's really important to keep everything sterile and at the right temperatures. There are a lot of great resources with this information, so I'm not going to rehash it on this blog, but please check it out. 

I tried a new recipe for blackberry preserves, but I haven't tasted them yet, so I'm not going to post on here until I know if they turned out.

Do you have any great recipes for canning or for using fresh produce?

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