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Friday, May 25, 2012

Cleaning Supplies

I'm in the process of replacing all our cleaning supplies with supplies I can make myself. I'm trying to do this for a couple of reasons. First, I hate spending a lot on cleaning supplies particularly when I can make them for less. Second, it lets me be sure exactly what is in what I'm using. This is particularly important since I'm pregnant. I suppose this really started when my I was pregnant with my son and needed to clean the oven. Finding that baking soda worked really well encouraged me to see what else I could replace. Here is a list of what I've made/ am making. I will follow up once I've used all of these a few times to let you know if I'm satisfied with them. These are not my recipes. I've found them from numerous sites online. Pinterest has been a useful source as well.

The essential oils are just my preference for smell. Use of specific essential oils like the ones listed below help preserve the cleaner so that it can be stored. They also provide a nice odor.

The citric acid listed in the dishwasher detergent is also a preservative that can be found in the canning section at grocery stores. The brand I'm familiar with is in a small green shaker kind of bottle. If you can't find citric acid, you can use unsweetened lemonade powder because it contains the same citric acid.

Fabric Refresher: 1 cup water, 1/4 c vinegar, 1 T rubbing alcohol, 1/2 T baking soda, lavender essential oil

All-Purpose Cleaner: 1/2 c. vinegar, 1/4 c. baking soda, 1/2 gal water, tea tree oil

Furniture polish: vinegar, 1 c. olive oil and 1/2 c lemon juice, tea tree oil

Dishwasher detergent: 1 cup borax, 1 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup citric acid (or unsweeten lemonade), 1/2 cup kosher salt & use 1 T per load; vinegar to rinse dispenser

Disinfectant: 4 Tbls vinegar, 3 cups hot water, tea tree oil

Do you have any recipes for homemade cleaners that work well for you? If so, please share them in the comments!

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